
Columbia's Newest Small Business Community

Collaborate with like-minded individuals.
Create an exciting small business culture.
Ignite the potential of Columbia.


The Ignite Building serves as a local hub for small business events and for nonprofit and for-profit business offices. Located the heart of historic downtown Columbia, there’s no other place like it in town. 

Private Office Space To Launch & Grow

If you are looking for an exciting place to work, play, and grow your business, why not launch here? Enjoy a secure, private office, and shared conference rooms, kitchen, classrooms and more – or just come for a day to get away! 


#IgniteColumbia is excited to have recently renovated to allow for space to host trainings, events, mixers and community events in our newly renovated building!

We are a small business community & Columbia's First Shared Workspace.


As long as you buy coffee and patron the front of the house, enjoy unlimited access to the building WiFi between 8-2 daily M-F.

Ask about openings

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Classes & Training

Participate in exciting and helpful small business and entrepreneur workshops.

Upcoming Classes

Click Here

Cool People

Be a part of a cool culture of small business owners who are excited about Columbia.

Join us!

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New Space To Work & Create

Collaborate with like-minded individuals.

Create an exciting small business culture.

Ignite the potential of Columbia.

IGNITE tenants enjoy:

24/7 access

High Speed WiFi

Free IGNITE Trainings & Event Admission


Private Event Space

IGNITE Culture Includes:

Great people

Informative events

Small Business Workshops

Offices starting at $300+/mo


A lot of hands touched the project from start to finish – we are grateful for your help!

Move your office to Lancaster's most exciting, historic Rivertown.